Commentary by Carol Mitchell, Manager (3/1/08)

After reading “The Art of Managing…How to Build a Better Workplace and Relationships,” Carol Mitchell, Manager, had this commentary. “I must say, however, that I have noticed within the ranks of “middle management” a good number of managers who are outwardly selfish in their approach. They are very interested in achieving their own goals at the expense of their subordinate’s feelings and display competition with their peers that is unhealthy. I also admit that these are not great leaders and that their tactics are pretty transparent to others. I agree that real leaders are willing to help and mentor others. I also think that the corporate culture does not foster, particularly, this behavior as it did in the past. I believe this is a negative development and quite contrary to the notions present in corporations into the mid-90’s that rewarded and fostered “people as our greatest asset” and “a good manager develops their people”. These notions were once seen as corporate values. Sadly, they are in decline as corporations are exclusively in a quest for profit and fail to see a moral delimina associated with viewing their human resources as a means to that end.” I wanted to share this with you and invite your comments, too!

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