Archive for March, 2011

5 Key Traits Leading to Success…

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

1. What Are Good People Skills?
A little likeability can go a long way. People consistently and overwhelmingly prefer to work with likeable, less-skilled co-workers than with highly competent jerks. Researchers found that if employees are disliked, it’s almost irrelevant whether they’re good at what they do if other workers avoid them.

2. How Are My Relationships?
Develop and use relationships with others in your company and profession. Those who network effectively have an inside track on resources and information. Effective networkers tend to serve on more successful teams and are more highly compensated.

3. Do I Believe In Myself?
If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will. Have a can-do attitude and take risks. Instead of saying, “I’ve never done that,” say, “I’ll learn how.” Don’t be afraid to fail or make mistakes. If you do mess up, admit it and move on. Above all, find the learning opportunities in every situation.

4. What Are My Goals?
Failure doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal, but in not having a goal to reach. Set objectives and plan your daily activities around achieving them. Eighty percent of your effectiveness comes from 20 percent of your activities. Manage your priorities and focus on those tasks that support your goals.

5. What Image Do Others See?
Fair or not, appearance counts. People draw all kinds of conclusions from the way you present yourself. So don’t come to work poorly groomed or in inappropriate attire. Be honest, use proper grammar and avoid slang and expletives. You want to project an image of competence, character and commitment.