The Art of Love

December 27th, 2023

The Art of Love…An Essay by Wilferd A. Peterson, 1961
Friendships, awareness, happiness are all of the arts of the good life – love.
Love is the foundation and the apex of the pyramid of our existence.
Love expands the heart.
Love is the dynamic motivation behind every purpose and lifts humans to new heights.
Love is the creative fire, the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress aflame.
Love is the dove of peace, the spirit of brotherhood, the tenderness, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance.
Love is the supreme good, the overflowing of life.
Love is down to earth and reaches the highest star, the valley of humility, and the mountains of ecstasy.
Love washes away hatred, jealousy resentment, anxiety and fear.
Love one another!

Cherish Relationships…

March 15th, 2022

Relationships are important. “A Return to Love,” by Marianne Williamson suggests that we love purely when we release other people to be who they are. It is our failure to accept people as they are that gives us pain in a relationship. Live lovingly and compassionately.

The Good Life…

February 5th, 2022

An excellent book to read is, “The Old Soul’s Guidebook,” by Ainslie Macleod. This book helps you discover who you are, why you are here, and how to navigate your life. The book explores into our soul and its profound influence on our life. To live a good life, be kind and considerate of others, not deliberately hurt anyone out of malice, and try to do what is best for yourself and others.

Financial Intelligence

December 6th, 2021

Just read a book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. He teaches how to become financially wealthy by investing in assets, not liabilities. Assets generate income where liabilities create expenses and take money out of your pocket. Assets include real estate, stocks, bonds, promissory notes, intellectual property. Enjoy this book and work your way to financial freedom and wealth…it works!

What is Success?

April 10th, 2021

What is success and what does it mean? After contemplating what it means to me, I came up with the thought that success is in the eyes of the beholder. If you are focused on money, then, when you have a lot of money you may feel that you are successful. If you are focused on power, then, when in a powerful position you believe that you are successful. If you are focused on relationships, then, when you have a lot of meaningful relationships you feel that you are successful. If you are against material things and want what’s good for the environment, then, you are successful when you believe you are one with the environment. In other words, success is very personal to each of us. Even though I believe the environment is important, my success comes to me in the form of relationships…my family, friends and associates. My goal is to nurture and maintain these relationships, such as helping when I can and offering support when required. What is YOUR meaning of success?


January 7th, 2021

The most inspirational message I read today came from Brene Brown who wrote “The Gift of Imperfection.” Her message, “Most compassionate people have the best boundaries.” Boundaries are the path to self-respect. Good boundaries say, “I choose self-love and self-respect over what you think of me or the possibility of disappointing you.”

Fear or Fulfillment…

September 23rd, 2019

Fear can and does stop us in life – from being ourselves, speaking our truth, and going for what we really want. But, when we remember with compassion that there’s nothing wrong with us for getting scared and when we’re willing to lean into our fears with vulnerability and boldness – we can literally transform them into something that catapults our growth and fulfillment in life

Pull Your Weeds…

May 26th, 2019

I heard a wonderful and inspirational message today that I wanted to share. Pull your weeds means getting rid of people in your life who are pulling you down, sucking all your energy with their negative and dysfunctional ways. Instead, surround yourself with people who you admire or want to emulate, who will bring positive energy into your life…thus, bringing you up, not pulling your down. You are influenced by those you associate with …ask yourself, is this the life I want, or, shall I pull my weeds and get the life I want. Now seize the day!

Live Your Life with Truth and Honesty…

April 22nd, 2019

According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, Honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully related to truth as a value. This includes listening, and any action in the human repertoire, such as body language and tone used while speaking. The meaning of the word truth extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity.
Honesty means simply stating facts and views as best one truly believes them to be. It includes both honesty to others, and to oneself and about one’s own motives and inner reality. Dishonesty, at times, has the ability to cause misfortune to the person who displayed it.
Isn’t it interesting that we judge ourselves by our intentions and judge others by their actions. Now go seize the day with truth and honesty!

Be the Best You Can Be…

January 11th, 2019

What to do when life takes a turn that we don’t understand, nor are we happy about. What I find in life is that each of these turns helps us toward the spirituality we are craving…peace and harmony in our lives and the lives of those who surround us. I am thankful for the people in my life who have helped me through one of the roughest and most grievous turns in my life…the loss of my dear husband. It has been six years and the emptiness left in my heart and soul remains. I have learned that by doing these six (6) activities each day, your life gains some relevance and purpose once again. I wanted to share with each of you…
1. Walk or exercise 30 minutes each day.
2. Each morning, focus on five things that you are grateful for.
3. Make three (3) people smile today…yes, smile more and hug often.
4. Stay positive, in the present with energy, enthusiasm and empathy.
5. Talk to your family and friends often and send them messages that you are thinking of them.
6. Before bed, give thanks for…..whatever you succeeded in doing today.
And, if you don’t get all of these done today, that’s okay, too. Be kind to yourself. You are special just the way you are.